Sunday, November 2, 2008

Te Reo Māori - The Māori Language

Te Reo Māori: The Māori Language

The object of this blog is to educate those people who maybe interested to learn about one of New Zealand's official and treasured languages, Te Reo Māori: The Māori Language. Te Reo has been an important language in our history because it was once the main language spoken here in New Zealand.Te reo Māori, also commonly shortened to te reo which translates into English as the language, has a large history in New Zealand. The origins of the Māori people are said have come from Eastern Polynesia, so therefore the language obviously derives from the same place. Te Reo closely relates to the Cook Islands Māori and also the Tahitians.

To obtain more information regarding the origins and the history of Te Reo
Māori, read Dr. Ranginui Walkers book; Ka whawhai tonu matou:

Walker, R., Ka Whawhai Tonu Matou: Struggle Without End (Auckland, Penguin Books, 2004)

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